Great Moments In Hair: Ali McGraw


Love may mean never having to say you’re sorry. But hair love surely means long, slinky shiny strands. With apologies to Love Story for the paraphrase! This 1970 movie, which showcased Ali MacGraw in all her glossy-haired glory, is a must-see for anyone who likes to see all the fashion flicks (cue long 1970s stripy scarf). But it can also be counted as one of the great beauty moments of film, with the look still being referenced seeing regularly for catwalk shows and editorial.

How to get the look yourself? Read on for ten steps to a Ali MacGraw mane:


1. Wash. While some hair looks are better on second-day hair, this is all about squeaky-clean strands. So shampoo and condition, using a duo best suited to your hair type. If your hair has any tendency to frizz or kink, go for a smoothing formulation on days when you intend to blow-dry hair – this will enhance softness and make styling much more manageable.

2. De-tangle. Use a wide-toothed comb to work conditioner through mid-lengths and ends, and to gently comb out any knots.

3. Blot. Resist the temptation to vigorously wring or rub hair with your towel to remove excess moisture – all you need is to gently blot hair until it’s no longer dripping-wet.

4. Apply product. If your hair is naturally wavy or curly, apply a smoothing balm or serum from about ten centimetres below the roots, right through to the tips. All hair should next use a heat-shielding spray.

5. Rough-Dry. Throw head upside down and dry it off to about 70% – this will give some volume at roots, enhancing overall movement.

6. Section. To prepare for the final dry-off, separate hair into three tiers, clipping up the top two first. Work in sections of about 8-10 centimetres along each tier.


7. Dry. Work with a big radial brush and a hairdryer on medium-heat and high-speed. Always direct the nozzle downwards, to encourage the outer cuticle layer to remain flat, therefore creating an overall sleek effect. Try to keep the blow-drying motion fluid and even.

8. Part. Before drying off the final sections, take a tail comb and create a centred part-line.

9. Iron. To straighten out any kinks, all you need to do is give the outer layers a once-over with your irons.

10. Finish. Mist hairspray on a cushion-padded brush if you need to control any frizziness around the crown; then spritz a shine spray over the mid-lengths and ends for a glamorous finishing touch.


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