In Sky Glamour.


My grandmotherwas an incredibly chic woman.

She was always immaculately dressed. Even for gardening.

Never was a hair out of place. Or an opportunity for lipstick missed. She was such a lady and proud of it.

I have strong memories of time spent in her wardrobe watching her pack for trips overseas.

She and my grandfather were avid cruise travellers back when ships were more like the Titanic.

Grand, special experiences that required outfits to match.

Two weeks ago on a flight to Christchurch, I discovered that glamour travel is still very much alive on board the A380 Emirates Business Class.

Who knew 36,000 feet in the air could look (or feel) this good.

The EmiratesLoungein Sydney is expansive. The chairs are comfortable and plentiful, the food is delicious and there's plenty of natural light.

It's also one of the quieter airline lounges I've been in -full of very polite travellers who respect the experience.

The lounge sits right alongside the departure gates so it's a very quick walk (even in heels) once boarding commences.

And again, the transition was like magic:  boarding pass, smiling staff and suddenly you're onboard the incredibly cool upper deck.

The Emiratesmedia screens are bigger than a lot of televisions ( 23 inches wide) and really they become your entire world once onboard.

The airline’s ICE (Information, Communications, Entertainment) Media System offers 2,500 channels of entertainment which includes everything from latest release movies through to television box sets, music, podcasts, music and games.

All the media can be controlled via touch screen, corded controller or a tablet which means you can operate the system from any seat position you find yourself in.

I seem to always cry in movies on planes  but not his flight other passengers weren't subjected to my sobs because I was cocooned in my silent space.

Which was excellent because I could sob even more.

One cool, techy feature is the ICE System is the ability to see outside the aircraft from your seat - and I don't mean out the window.

Emirates have installed cameras in the tail, underside and nose of the plane which provide aerial views of the outside world as you fly.

GOOD TO KNOW:Each passenger can access 20MB of data for free. Additional access is charged at reasonable rates or free for members of Emirates Skywards Scheme. It’s possible to send SMS and emails via the in-seat satellite phone and international power sockets are available for those who wish to use laptops or charge devices.

The Seats Are A Thing.

Let's call it like it is: the main reason people choose to flyBusiness Classis for space and privacy.

Well the main reason travellers choose Emirates Business Classover other carriers is because THESE seats win on both.

They're more like an apartment.

The staggered ( 1-2-1) configuration is legendary with each flyer given a totally private and spacious cubicle.  

When I fly, I relish in the alone-ness.

No phones, no email, no one asking me to find them something, cook them something...just no one.

So an Emirates A380 single seat right on the window is the VERY definition of flying heaven for me.

From the beautiful wood panels and soft cushioning to the individual mini bar and mega media screen, there's nothing that has not been considered in the design of these seats. 

And nothing not to love.

When it comes to sleeping, privacy comes into its own as you turn the seat into a flat bed complete with the softest of pillows and duvet. Also. the Emirates eye shades are the best in the sky. Make sure you don't leave it on board.


There's a bar on the plane.

I really don't have to say much more than that do I?

Oh hang on...there's a mixologistin the bar on the plane who can make you any kind of drink you want.

Anytime on the flight.

I know.?!

The bar which is exclusive to First and Business customers harks back to the days of sophisictaed travel and provides the perfect place to stretch your legs, make small talk (if you so desire) or just play the grown-up, glamorous travel game.

Like I am here. Complete with high heels.


Wonderful Christchurch.


California Cool.